Winning Queer Equality

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Tom rambles on about respectability and queer equality while on his computer. Tom uploaded this to YouTube early on 8/20/2018 along with three other videos.

Video[edit | edit source]

Transcription[edit | edit source]

Ok. I'm on a roll so I'm going to do another short rant. On uh respectability vs confrontational polpolpol-political posturing. Uh, (pauses) god I forgot ha I had had had the door open there for a second and now I kind of forgot where exactly I was going to start here um but I was like (pauses) oh it was about transgender rights. That's right. It's about um respecting uh the cisgender majority. I got reamed for speaking out like this by some militant leftist um and I really feel that these people are are are uh a bigger threat to our community than a lot of the external threats. I mean just like you know uh everybody it's everybody prerogative to demand equal rights but when you start demanding special treatment you're just being an asshole and you know be cliche. I know there are certain cliches I live by and and it's not easy sometimes to um you know people loving bearing you know more it's it's real easy to just punch the Nazi right it's just punch the fucking Nazi but that doesn't solve anything and it's really a win for the Nazi you know you catch more flies with shseh (sic) with honey than vinegar and no I I really believe that that we need to you know if we want the cisgender people the cisgender people heterosexual monogamous people to uh respect a uh polyamorous pansexual (laughs) reality um the onerous you gotta gotta give them their due. No, yes, you it's it's it you're in your rights to demand they don't intrude with their you know trying to impose their morality on you but you can't like put their morality down um just because they don't do it you know it goes both ways you know who's gonna stop first well I tell it stop first for you know I just like if you're not nice you're gone plain and simple I'm not gonna argue with people for very long you you know you're either gonna agree agree to disagree or go away (laughs) and this is another I don't need to be rambling on: you're either nice or you're not. Everybody's legitimate, no but there's no you know we all need to like monitor our own political correctness in our own speech in our own language. We should learn what's offensive to people and be ready to like back back it off. It just without an arguments like "okay I'm sorry to have offended you" and move on instead of getting into a fight over it so with that note, happy day. Peace everybody, bye!

Links[edit | edit source] - Link to the video.